Does This Sound Like You?
* You get easily overwhelmed by thousands of paint color
choices out there and don’t know where to start
* You can’t make up your mind, because a lot of the
colors look the same to you, and you don’t know which one is right
* You don’t understand why you have to go through all
that trouble when all you need is a "simple"
beige/gold/green/blue/etc - shouldn’t there be an easier way?
* You feel like you spend more time choosing and
stressing out over the paint colors than actually enjoying them
* You want a beautiful, tasteful home, but can’t afford
to hire a color consultant
* You hate it when the color that looked perfect on a
swatch turns out totally different and all wrong on the walls
* You would like to try something new, but afraid to make
a mistake - so you keep living with the same wall colors all your life
* You are tired of buying paint color samples by the
dozen and all that endless sampling that leads nowhere
* Your husband is starting to lose his patience and wants
to know why it's taking you so long to pick a color, and when you will stop
wasting money on the samples?
Then Let’s Talk...!!
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