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Jumat, 05 April 2013

Discover How to Use a 100 Year Old Device to Generate FREE Electricity

“Used By Over 236,000 People in 160 Countries!”

Electric Power is Everywhere Present In Unlimited Quantities, It Can Drive The World's Machinery Without The Need Of Coal, Oil, Gas Or Any Other Fuel
Nikola Tesla's pictured the sun as an immense ball of electricity, positively charged with a potential of some 200 billion volts.
The earth, on the other hand, is charged with negative electricity. The tremendous electrical force between these two bodies constituted, at least in part, what he called cosmic energy. It varied from night to day and from season to season but it is always present.
The positive particles are stopped at the ionosphere, and between it and the negative charges in the ground, there is a large difference of voltage - something on the order of 360,000 volts. The region between the ground and the edge of space traps a great deal of energy.
But, despite the large size of the planet, it is electrically charged like a capacitor. Keeping positive and negative charges apart by using the air as an insulator.
This means that the Earth is surrounded by a Vast Pool of Energy - and we can use it for FREE! But How Is This Possible?



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