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Selasa, 24 Juli 2012

NovaAlert (Mobile App) v9.5.7 For BlackBerry [Features: User Identification, Each Client Can Be Configured Individually For A Particular User, Visual & Acoustic Signal When An Alert Is Received And More! It’s Makes It Possible For Alert Messages To Be Sent or Received In Any Place And At Any Time]

The Mobile App for NovaAlert makes it possible for alert messages to be sent or received in any place and at any time. Status requests in real-time can keep you up to date and, in an emergency, allow you to initiate the required action on the spot and without delay.
The Mobile App is based on a patented network reliability system and can use all transport media (GSM, G3, G4, WLAN etc.), guaranteeing reliable and direct transmission of the alert messages.

 - User identification
 - Each client can be configured individually for a particular user
 - Visual and acoustic signal when an alert is received
 - Positive and negative confirmation system
 - Alert activation with optional PIN request
 - Individual text entry when alert is activated
 - Status monitor: Alert status and confirmation tracking in real time
 - Intelligent connection reliability: Uninterrupted support for GSM and WLAN connections, controllable priorities
 - Locating features: Location of the smartphone can be determined using GPS coordinates (not available for all versions and devices)
 - Visualisation of location in map viewer
 - Encrypted communication
 - Multiple languages

Demo mode:
Immediately after download, the app is in demo mode.

Production mode:
A NovaAlert™ licence is required for productive use. This can be obtained from NovaLink GmbH. You can find further information at

Note : "Use Your BlackBerry App World ID or Your Devices To Download"

Supported : BlackBerry 5.0.0 or higher



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