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Rabu, 25 Juli 2012

MyOwnIcons_Light v1.2 For BlackBerry [With This App You Can Create Your Own Home Screen Icon That Has An Icon Image Of Your Choice And, When Clicked, Opens Directly A Page Where You Can Create A New Appointment, or It Can Open A Page To Add A Person To Your AddressBook]

* This app is free for a while. After the trial time is over 2 icons are free (2 more icons can be free if you follow in-app instructions).
* The full version (10 icons) is also available on App World (name: MyOwnIcons).

Do you want to create your own BlackBerry® Home Screen icons, decide how they should look like, what they should launch, and how they should be accessed from other programs, or from BlackBerry® Home Screen (Direct hit or by hitting a Hot Key)?
If so, then My Own Icon application is for you.

Search for 'My Own Icons BlackBerry' in to see how it works.

With this app you can for example create your own BlackBerry® Home Screen icon that has an icon image of your choice and, when clicked, opens directly a page where you can create a new appointment, or it can open a page to add a person to your BlackBerry® AddressBook, or it can call your loved one.

All you need to do is either hit that icon of yours on the BlackBerry® Home Screen, or hit the Hot Key you have assigned for it, or hit its menu item in the BlackBerry® Menu.

You can also assign one icon to launch a macro shortcut in your ShortcutMe app.

You can set your icons to launch and application or to one of the followings:
• MOI_PIN: Sends PIN message to someone
• MOI_SMS: Sends PIN message to someone
• MOI_Call: Calls someone
• MOI_Email: Emails someone
• MOI_New_Email: Composes an Email
• MOI_New_SMS: Composes a SMS
• MOI_New_PIN: Composes a PIN
• MOI_New_Tasks: Creates a new Task
• MOI_New_MemoPad: Creates a new note
• MOI_New_Calendar: Creates a new appointment
• MOI_New_AddressBook: Creates a new Contact
• MOI_Calendar_xxx: Opens Calendar in Agenda, Week, Month, Day view
• MOI_Browser: Opens a web page
• MOI_ShortcutMe: Runs a shortcut in ShortcutMe, the most powerful, macro enabled shortcut app for BlackBerry®.
For example your icon can launch “Home Profile” macro shortcut in ShortcutMe that turns off your music (played from BlackBerry® over to your car), turns off cellular Radio, turns on WiFi (to connect to your wireless Home Network) and turns off the Bluetooth (used in the car for handsfree system)

Note : "Use Your BlackBerry App World ID or Devices To Download”

Supported : BlackBerry 4.5.0 or higher



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