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Rabu, 25 Juli 2012

Moje pierwsze slowa v1.0 For BlackBerry [Every Parent Wants Their Child To Be Taught More And More Words With Age! This Application Is A Perfect Way To Help Them! The Audio-Visual Dictionary For Children]

Does your toddler has reached that age when to enrich his vocabulary? Every parent wants their child to be taught more and more words with age. This application is a perfect way to help them. Visual Dictionary "My First Words" is the audio-visual dictionary for children.

*Simple and clear layout designed specifically for children.

*Clear, colorful pictures and large support the interest of children.

*Animal Sounds "every time you click on a specific animal".

*Navigation "was deliberately slowed down so that you can listen to the words in full, because children tend to press the BlackBerry phone too quickly".

*The words were divided into separate categories".

*The words that your child likes the most, you can add to your favorites".

*Slideshow "allows children to learn word by word".

Your child will learn much faster with this unique application.

Possible to hear the correct pronunciation of each word through the Native Audio. It is an essential element in the learning of the child.

The free version contains more than 50 Polish words from everyday life. If your child likes the voice version you can buy extension "Expansion Pack" of more than 250 words, by buying in-app

The words were divided into separate categories, you can also add to favorite these words, which your baby likes best.

Note : "Use Your BlackBerry App World ID or Your Devices To Download”

Supported : BlackBerry 5.0.0 or higher



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